Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earth hour!!!!! TOMORROW!!!

so earth hour is tomorrow, and I feel it is a good idea, although no one takes it seriously, well many don't. so it's grate because we should conserve energy but it shouldn't be for 1 hour each year. it should be all the time, or maybe they should start doing it for an hour each month then soon hour each week, and so on and so fourth so that maybe people will go outside....which the ironic thing is that we dont want our children out side because of all the smog, well where does the smog come from? hmmm... all the energy we want, all the factories and plants that are creating that energy, so while we are scared top go out side due to the smog we sit inside and demand more energy which makes outside even worse. thats all i have to say!


you know i actually kinda agree with the pope! he said that condoms don't prevent aids and HIV, (which in theory is a lie, but..) I beleive he ment it in the fact that just stop doing it! ya condoms prevent it from spreading but your still spreading it and if you do conceive then well your kid now has it. as well why would you want to give the ones you love HIV? and why would you want the child that you do have, to have HIV? So first off you are sapose to procreate but if you have AIDS stop spreading it! deal with the fact that you wont have sex! and I know there isn't much else that they can do out there because there is so much poverty and maybe that is the only pleasure they ever get, but if you care about the people around you then stop doing it all together, stop the spreading of aids. Maybe i am too harsh on the subject, and some may say that i only say this because i dont have to live my that, but i know that personally i wouldn't want to get aids by someone even if i loved them and i would hope they would care enough about me to not want to possibly give it to me. As well I wouldn't want to make my child have to live with the fact that they have HIV, and eventually die of the horribleness of aids! so maybe we all need to think of the ones we love and what is best for them, instead of being selfish and only thinking of ourselves!

Monday, March 9, 2009

If you think about it.. It's backwards!

Think of it. the way we live our life, we start out so naive and innocent . well you could get away with murder actually, we are protected and loved unconditionally, no matter what your beautiful! (there is no such thing as an ugly baby) then you get to play spend all your parents money and still you have no responsibilities you can once again basically get away with murder. ya you get older then all the pressure is on you and then you go through school and you have all your finances and then midlife crises builds up on top of that after your still in debt from school, then you get old and wrinkly.... because you don't have any money for a face lift or botox. You have to think about your pension and saving the money you defiantly don't have because your putting the little you do have into your kids education so hopefully they wont have to be as in debt as you were although it won't make any the difference. then your too old to take care of yourself you smell like mouth balls and your put into an old age home where your not visited by anyone since your family and kids are to busy at work trying to pay of there debt. and your all alone and miserable. the one you fall in love with has died and there is no one else but a bunch of depressed older folks around you. (this is all said in non offensive way to peoples elderly loved ones. since I personally love my grandparents and great grandparents very much; I'm currently at my grandparents house visiting :-P ) with all this said, isn't it backwards? Why would we not live life from old to young? WE will still have the money that we possibly have saved throughout our lives, and we eventually get younger every single day! we get a great job and all the benefits right away...and the younger you get the better you feel the more you go out and party and have a good time, eventually you get to your twenties and you have free rain of what you want to do..and slowly you get to the point of loosing your knowledge but gain back that innocents of a child. and the pleasures of being naive, and believing in Santa and the Easter bunny, having the tooth fairy come and put a Tonnie under your pillow. and then swearing that you saw her and looked just like a princess (depending on your imagination). you eventually leave the world with the most love you can ever get that being from your mother who you are the most dependent on, and the one and only person that can love you the most.

Straight A's

A university professor has decided and believes that there should not be grades on the work we do. I agree with his theory to a point. I believe this since I feel that at times, a student or person may not be able to full-fill them selves to the potential they have, since there brain is focused on having to do exceptionally well to succeed in life. I feel that once you get the pressure on you from grades that it can pull ones self lower. If there is no pressure or doubt in ones abilities and you are not graded, then one will learn because they want to learn, which will cause them to understand better and succeed more. This is all good other than the fact that life is competition. With this, when you take away the competition of grades, it cushions a students life and does not prepare them for the real world. further more if they do get ride of the grade system, they should only do so in university's and possibly colleges. You will strive for that 90% average in high school to get into the universities of choice to continue on in your life dreams. with this once you are in university that is your money that you are spending if you choose not to do your work its your money going down the drain. but it will also relieve those trying to learn of the pressures of grades and allow one to learn by choice and be pure desire and want, it will no longer be a chore to learn it will give learning the proper description of thirst for knowledge.