Monday, June 15, 2009

angles and demons hollywood

wow, well that article kinda moved me, it was very interersting, as well as very true,, i have never thought of it the way the article said, its true, hollywood does not do anything withy religion, which i believe it should, it doesn't have to be a specific religion, just christion or faith or belief. i think that angles and demons could be an opening to allowing movies to have religioon, although i do not think it will fully help the world or society to become more religious. i also really enjoyed the part abotu how sciences shows you how it all came to be and the bible is why. the bible s to teach morals and what to do as a human, although if you believe in the fact of the bible just there to tech how to act, then was there a jesus, and who wrote the bible, but i guess that doesnt matter it doesnt matter at all since the point is to not know. if it were known who it was it would most likely bu gundi or asomeone like that,... i am only half serious in that since i am not putting gundi at the same level as God, God is Awesome and perfect and no human is perfect. that article will possibly open eyes of those that read it to the knowledge and acceptence of religion and i hope it does.

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