Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pope 2.0 article

well, i think its and amazingidea how the pope is finalyy doing somethign to bring the youth in, mostly in the catholic, church it is not how it used to be, the churchs are filled with older people and the congrgation gets smaller and smaller every single year from the death of life long catholics. it is about time that he / they have realized that the church wil fail and fall if they do not reach out to the youth! yes the eldreyl are very important, but they will soon leave this world and go on to a place they have rightfully waited for. but youth do no have faith since the church caters to the eldrely, and pushes the youth away, they need to allow room for young ideas new ideas and take part in them, i am all for tradition and keeping it proper but there has to be some lee way or the church will fall, they way it was before worked then, in that generation in that time point. but it is a new genaration a new millenium! things are due for a change and upgrade! i beleive it is soo very col thatthe pope is on facebook, and trying to reach out to the youth since it needs to be done! although just doing that wont help it might 1 or 2 peopel or youth but it wont maKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE, THERE NEED TO BE MORE IMPACT, IM NOT SURE EXACTLY WHAT YET SINCE IT IS NOT JUST THE CHURCH OR THE POPES FALT, IT IS PARENTS THAT NEED TO GO BACK TO CHURCH AND FIND THAT IT IS CHANGED AS WELL, ELDERLY GO BUT MIDDLE AGED AND YOUTH DO NOT GO! (sorry capslock) it is soo sad and it needs to change and the pope has finailly realized it and hopefully the next pope whenvwer there may be one, does not ruin the begining of somethign that will save the catholic religion!

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