Sunday, June 14, 2009

Education system

well first off i would like to say although yes we are the ones learning, and we are growing up and figureing out what we want to do with our lives, WE are the ones that know what we want. not what everybody else thinks we wanr is always right for us, we are all orignnal and unique. that is why i beleive that the education system has to continue with the prerequset courses that everyone has to take. The problem is that when we do get to choose the other classes of choice our parent or gardian has to aprove and say that they agree with what the child is taking. What this does is allow the parent to dictate what the child learns or doesnt learn, we as a growning and maturing human being should not have to go through our parents to chose the life we want. an example of this would be a female student who has always been hands on and loves the outdoors and techs and woodworking and cars and would love to get invovled with technology, and become a tool and die maker. and she has it all set out and ready and goes to her parents to get them to sign it, and they see it and tell her NO! thathat she has to go in foods class and has to go to science and maths because she will be a doctor or scientist or accountent someday. she is in her 12th year of highschool, and has a late birthday and is still 16-17 so cannot sign for herself, but either way she is screwed! she has not taken 1 technology course and would have to take so many that she would have to come back for 2 or more years, which puts her behind in age and time. that is why the education system needs to change the fact that parents or gaurdians need to approve and sign course suggestions.
you may say to forge it then, but sooner or later the parents will figure out that you arn't doing chem homework but you designing an engine, for you final go-cart project for machanics!

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