Monday, June 15, 2009

Movies money and God!

first of really? you can get a dvd player that will cut out inappropraite stuff in the movie? cool!!! i think thats awsome! wow, jeez i'm hind in technology arnt i? ... well that article was interesting how they want to and plan to make money off of christ, that is kinds really horrible, good idea but horrible, that is why i understand the scare of making movies with religion in them , it kinda just makes it more difficult! well, the passion of the christ was a hit, and so was the de vinci code, although the de vinci code was a interesting movie on oppinions of christ. it was controversel. and i can understand the scare of what angels and demons will bring and how the producer will twist it and what it will say about the main reliogon, catholic. i personally did not like the devinci code a all and was very scared and originally un interestested in angels and demons thinking it woul dbe more stabs on my faith and religion and what i have grown up learning and believing. the book was very good, and i am glasd i read it, it was slightly against my religion although you get that sass from people everyday. it portray the catholic religion in a good way, and i under stand why peopl ewill be so skeptic on this movie since the last one was so horrible!

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