Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I’d rather die alone!

well my thoughts are if you need a computer screen or cell phone or some electronic device to feel not alone, you have problems! When you are in that hospital bed dieing and you have no access to a computer or electronics, you will be alone!!! But if you make REAL people friends, not electronic friends. Then they will be there for at your bed side with you so that you are not alone. Another thing is why do we need another thing to waste our time, alone, in front of screens. As well guess what you can follow stars and those famous people and its soo cool and “OMG, Ashley Tisdale just bought new shoes!!!” WHO CARES!!!!! And if you do I feel very bad for you! How sad is your life to sit alone in front of a screen like all the other loners in the world watching what some rich girl is doing? Go out there make a difference, like you think she is, and be your own person! I think twittering is one of the most pointless things. If you are afraid of dieing alone, make some friends, invest your time in making an impact on there lives and others out there, if you do that you will be remembered and will not die alone!

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