Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lazy? No Scared!

Yes I agree that first year students going into university or even any students at all are becoming less and less prepared. But it is a psychological thing. As a student all we hear is that we must be the best or we will go no where in life. Hmmm how would that make you feel? We are scared of the future, we don’t know what to think, so we wont ask those questions to get farther we just go with the flow and ride that easy train, because if we can get it easy for as long as possible GREAT! And with that teachers give up because they don’t know what to do with us, since none of us try, so which leads them to have lower standards, which then having un prepared students going into universities. This has been happening over a long period of time although it has come to the point where it is a drastic change from before. What should we do about it, well what can you do? teach kids that you can’t use Wikipedia, go old school and go to the library! That is where you will get info. The ones that want to learn will, the ones that won’t well that’s there problem, you have to deal with them in a way that makes them realize that its hard but they will live and deal, and they won’t really realize it.

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