Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Open school help in Ingersoll?

Not going to happen! It will never work, look at Fusion it’s a druggy hang out. Yes its suppose to be nice and high tech for kids to learn and there’s people there that can help them with whatever school work they may need, but those computers, all for msn, gaming no homework, as well the kids that go there don’t have homework or don’t do it. The ones that could use that technology that don’t have access or parents around are afraid to go there. So they are neglected of that, so you may be thinking if there was a cool place that there was no gaming allowed and such, it would be used, but then those that want help would be scared to be called nerds and browners, and wouldn’t go. In New York and really big cities yes it would be amazing, because there are 10 different schools that are around, and you don’t know EVERYONE. With knowing everyone, it leaves room for ridicule and being a child or teenager that is what your life revolves around, how your peers think of you.

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