Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Final Project!

my project was on the Personality dimetions and the point and power of knowing your colour and strength. it all wraps in leadership teamwork, partners, family and friends, if you know your colour and the colour of those around you, you can understand them better and wrk better and appricaite them better and more. i took a full period to talk about the importance of it and to help my class mates learn about the different colours and learn their colour. i felt i had there attention and interest throughout my presntation, and if there was overly loud moments it was of excitment from the proccess we were going through, i feel i took them through it efficiantly with the time i had, and helped them undersatnd them selves in the least better, as well as had fun doing it! i would say that my mark for my project would be a 92% since i took many hours finding and contacting friends and old leadership buddies to refresh my memery of the personality dementions as well as get the sheets and information i needed. I had to plan out my 75 mins carfully to insire that everythign was completed in tiem and understood, i cramped it tightly from difficulties with papper, but managed to proceed with tthe most important information. If the class did not fully understand the concepts and ideas, they all recieved hand outs to, ( at their leisure) read up about it. I learned more about people and personalities and they way the world and individuals work in society! learnign about the dementins helped my family understand each other and realize that we are all not alike and learn and feel differetn ways. my family is able to cooperate in a more friendly caring matter. i really enjoyed this class and being able to do a project that i could learn and choose on my own, it broadened my horizons on humans and how we all work!

Angels and demons the movie!

WOW i'm appalled! that was horrible! it didnt follow the book at all everythign was wrong totally messed up none of the characters matched what they should have looked like, okay it didn't even have that supper sonic jet plane thinger, liek how suckish is that! liek one of the coolest thign, and with that robert is CLOSTREPHOBIC! they had nothing in the movie about him being clostrephobic! like ugh! as well as vetras legs..um come on the point is that she is sapose to be doing all this and everone thinks badly of her cuz she is where shorts in vatican city! ugh!!! just everythign in the movie did not match the book, robert and VV were sapose to have never known each other and were suposed to be all romantic with each other and be falling in love throughout the whole day that they spent together saving the world! then have hot passionate..hugging! and there was nothing. it was liek so umm..ya c ya later? it was horrible i just dont even know what to say about it anymore....read the book, it is soo much better then the movie the movie is a waste of time! it was funny cuz all us gifted were gettign mad ansd not likeling the movie, or laphing hasarically at certain parts and all the older folks in the theater looked at us funny cuz we had way differetn oppionions on the movie then they did..well maybe they shoudl read the book!

Pope 2.0 article

well, i think its and amazingidea how the pope is finalyy doing somethign to bring the youth in, mostly in the catholic, church it is not how it used to be, the churchs are filled with older people and the congrgation gets smaller and smaller every single year from the death of life long catholics. it is about time that he / they have realized that the church wil fail and fall if they do not reach out to the youth! yes the eldreyl are very important, but they will soon leave this world and go on to a place they have rightfully waited for. but youth do no have faith since the church caters to the eldrely, and pushes the youth away, they need to allow room for young ideas new ideas and take part in them, i am all for tradition and keeping it proper but there has to be some lee way or the church will fall, they way it was before worked then, in that generation in that time point. but it is a new genaration a new millenium! things are due for a change and upgrade! i beleive it is soo very col thatthe pope is on facebook, and trying to reach out to the youth since it needs to be done! although just doing that wont help it might 1 or 2 peopel or youth but it wont maKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE, THERE NEED TO BE MORE IMPACT, IM NOT SURE EXACTLY WHAT YET SINCE IT IS NOT JUST THE CHURCH OR THE POPES FALT, IT IS PARENTS THAT NEED TO GO BACK TO CHURCH AND FIND THAT IT IS CHANGED AS WELL, ELDERLY GO BUT MIDDLE AGED AND YOUTH DO NOT GO! (sorry capslock) it is soo sad and it needs to change and the pope has finailly realized it and hopefully the next pope whenvwer there may be one, does not ruin the begining of somethign that will save the catholic religion!

first half hour de vinci code

well i beleive what went wrong was that it didnt follow the book story line fully, and it was revised and the characters didnt portray thwe characters proper, as well as it was soo fack lookign and un realistic. it made soo much money cuz everyone HAD to see it it was one of those movies that everyone talked about and when everyone talks about it you need to go see it to get in on the talking actuion and to say that it was soo horrible as well, if they didnt wacth the horrible movie they would feel left out. its a stupid way thjat people think, i beleive the critics said it sucked cuz well it did, just watch the first half hour, it is fake and just painfull to watch. it also waas soo controvesul and just so religious against that, the peopl ethat dont believe or hate GOd went to see it to laugh and be liek heck ya thats right! God sucks and jesus does too and he slept with mary magdellin outa wedlock..hahaha religion is BS!!! and then there are the religios ones that are like okay i have to see this, what the heck are they saying about the best and mos t important thing ever. and they see it so they can defend it and get pissed off and angry and try and boycott it. its how it works, cuz you also have the in the middls that just love movies and those that love books and read the book so webnt to see the movie. so the movie failed, but made lots a money!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Movies money and God!

first of really? you can get a dvd player that will cut out inappropraite stuff in the movie? cool!!! i think thats awsome! wow, jeez i'm hind in technology arnt i? ... well that article was interesting how they want to and plan to make money off of christ, that is kinds really horrible, good idea but horrible, that is why i understand the scare of making movies with religion in them , it kinda just makes it more difficult! well, the passion of the christ was a hit, and so was the de vinci code, although the de vinci code was a interesting movie on oppinions of christ. it was controversel. and i can understand the scare of what angels and demons will bring and how the producer will twist it and what it will say about the main reliogon, catholic. i personally did not like the devinci code a all and was very scared and originally un interestested in angels and demons thinking it woul dbe more stabs on my faith and religion and what i have grown up learning and believing. the book was very good, and i am glasd i read it, it was slightly against my religion although you get that sass from people everyday. it portray the catholic religion in a good way, and i under stand why peopl ewill be so skeptic on this movie since the last one was so horrible!

angles and demons hollywood

wow, well that article kinda moved me, it was very interersting, as well as very true,, i have never thought of it the way the article said, its true, hollywood does not do anything withy religion, which i believe it should, it doesn't have to be a specific religion, just christion or faith or belief. i think that angles and demons could be an opening to allowing movies to have religioon, although i do not think it will fully help the world or society to become more religious. i also really enjoyed the part abotu how sciences shows you how it all came to be and the bible is why. the bible s to teach morals and what to do as a human, although if you believe in the fact of the bible just there to tech how to act, then was there a jesus, and who wrote the bible, but i guess that doesnt matter it doesnt matter at all since the point is to not know. if it were known who it was it would most likely bu gundi or asomeone like that,... i am only half serious in that since i am not putting gundi at the same level as God, God is Awesome and perfect and no human is perfect. that article will possibly open eyes of those that read it to the knowledge and acceptence of religion and i hope it does.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

inconvinient blog!

well first off i feel that al gor is full of it! well no he's not its just that he shows the statistics he has is modified or shown in a way that proves his point, but may not prove his point if he didnt destort it to the way he wanted it. once again al gor goes off about how we need to change what we're doing. well okay i dop agree with him though that there are alot of enviromental things that are wrong and are ruining our planet and changing the world, maybe all the suckers that do believe his statistics will change the way they work and think which in turn will help the environment and our world, which i guess may be his plan..blow everything up out of porportion, use distorted statistics and make peopl ecare abotu mother earth!
hmm maybe we should have more conn artists in the world....or....not.

The Big issues!

The biggest thing facing human kinda at the moment is 1 - Selfishness this is since almost everything else would be fixed,
If we were not so selfish then 2- poverty would be almost non exsistant, if we shared and were not so into the self we would give more to those in need!
If we were not so selfish then 3- global warming would may not come for a lot longer time from now.. we all want this now and need the technology now so that I can be number one! i need a hummer, i need a mansion, i need 5 vehicles, i need to buy fancy toys for my kids which they will never touch and just fill landfills. less i needs and more think of it doesntr matter what people think, maybe lets ride my bike to work this mornign to be eco friendly, and global warming would not be here!
If we were not so selfish then 4- child slavery would not be in place, since we would not cheep out on kids paying them a peny a day, and would think of society instead of self and share the money that was income.
If we were not so selfish then 5- lack of belief would increse due to the idea of being not as focused into oneself, and has a moral belief of helping others and being kinder, if more belief then world would be happier and all around better.
therefore if the world was less selfishthen all the main problems in the worls would be gone or decreased.

Education system

well first off i would like to say although yes we are the ones learning, and we are growing up and figureing out what we want to do with our lives, WE are the ones that know what we want. not what everybody else thinks we wanr is always right for us, we are all orignnal and unique. that is why i beleive that the education system has to continue with the prerequset courses that everyone has to take. The problem is that when we do get to choose the other classes of choice our parent or gardian has to aprove and say that they agree with what the child is taking. What this does is allow the parent to dictate what the child learns or doesnt learn, we as a growning and maturing human being should not have to go through our parents to chose the life we want. an example of this would be a female student who has always been hands on and loves the outdoors and techs and woodworking and cars and would love to get invovled with technology, and become a tool and die maker. and she has it all set out and ready and goes to her parents to get them to sign it, and they see it and tell her NO! thathat she has to go in foods class and has to go to science and maths because she will be a doctor or scientist or accountent someday. she is in her 12th year of highschool, and has a late birthday and is still 16-17 so cannot sign for herself, but either way she is screwed! she has not taken 1 technology course and would have to take so many that she would have to come back for 2 or more years, which puts her behind in age and time. that is why the education system needs to change the fact that parents or gaurdians need to approve and sign course suggestions.
you may say to forge it then, but sooner or later the parents will figure out that you arn't doing chem homework but you designing an engine, for you final go-cart project for machanics!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

American teen continued

the article following the american teen movie states that small towm highschools (one highschool in the town) are pressure cookers, since everyone knows every one! well i most deffinatly agree! with everyone knowing everyone and havin ga teacher as your aunts best friend or just small things like that your little sisters best friends mom is the school nurse, if your wanting to hide something you cant't and or they have inside scoop on how your doing in ur classes, it puts so much pressure because everyone knows you and will and can judge you and you need to be the best out of all the kids because every parent knows every kid and looks to see who is the best and they dont always say but all have oppinions on how far each student will go and what they will amount too, so ya living in a small town can be pretty suckish and a huge pressure cooker!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

American teen movie

Very interesting and sad, it was sad since it is so true you see it in the halls, it’s the way of teenage society. I felt that Jake was the most appealing or sympathetic person, because look around there are more kids like Jake then there are bitches like Meghan. They just don’t stand out since they work so hard to be unnoticed and they are not extraverted like Meghan. Jake had a shy but out going sense to him, he knew he wasn't cool or popular but he kept on treking. he would go up to pretty girls that we all knew thought that they were way out of his leauge but he didnt care, and that was what made him sympathetic. he kept trying and even tho he would fail time and time again. in the end he had that girlfriend which was really sweet and cute it was a good ending to his senior year. i also beleive that he will go and or went the furthest, and is himself, in his life. The movie deffiantly well portrayed a teenage life in todays society, and the crap that goes on, and in thought it is the same crap as before but tweeked to fit into technology.

Angels and Demons

I give the book an overall 5 outa 10! It was okay nothing special, I feel bad for McGuchan having to read Dan Brown every year. Hard to finish wasn’t my cup of tea, interesting though, kind of stupid though actually. When I finished the book, my thought was “seriously I wasted all that time just for this!” I wouldn’t recommend it, well if you wanna waste time and you have nothing else better to do go for it, but otherwise, don’t torture your self. I learned a lot more about the catholic religion. Funny how I am catholic and a lot of it I was like really? Other parts I was offended by the way religion in general was often bashed. And a point I did not like at the end in the theory of religion, was how Victoria, the devote catholic. Had sex out of wedlock, should she not believe in chastity? All through out she was the catholic and she believed and needed to save Vatican city and prove that God was part of creation, in a scientific way to show those that believe in science that they can believe in both. Then she just basically in the end say’s fuck my religion, my dads dead, hey here’s a 45 year old loser lets get kinky with yoga! Ya very realistic and ruins the whole book! (if it was not bad in the first place)!

Growing up online

The old way of learning is right! Technology is good in the sense of overheads, and maybe projectors for students to present projects, but otherwise I don’t think it works or is right, if a teacher needs to show a movie ya a projector is cool and better, but not necessary. With the new smart board I think that students are falling behind, and it isn’t the students fault it is that teachers don’t know how to teach with smart boards, they go way to fast and the student falls behind, and they just copy they don’t have to think! With books its so very true most kids just go to spark notes, me I have never been there, but.. I don’t have internet either and I usually enjoy reading books. But with hamlet and Shakespeare I don’t understand the gibberish he is saying and if I’m not explained to in class heck ya I would go to spark notes, I want to pass don’t I? The education system has to realize that it’s out there and make it easier for students to read it in class with the class, best scenario if you get actors reading it recorded on a tape. DO NOT get kids in the class to read it. (this only with Shakespeare) if he doesn’t read it no big deal spark notes does a pretty good job of it. He’ll pass.
With the way that students or teens are reacting (behavior wise) because of social networking, I find it stupid. The things people say about others over the internet is wrong, and they need to realize that just because they are not right in front of you when you say it doesn’t mean you won’t get it right back at you. And I’m not saying back over on line. I’m saying that even if you use a fake name, the police can track who wrote what. And you can and will be charged. Teens don’t realize these things and factors about social networking and need to know its not a way to bully its just away for you to express you creativity and personality.
To me the things I saw on that movie it’s no big deal...all you have to do is browse the internet to know that! Yes the internet is a teenager or young persons life! I agree it is sad. Although it is pushed onto us, just as much as we, teenagers, choose to use it. Almost every assignment or anything given out, you must you the internet, even math! “just go onto my website to get the graph paper and print it out for your homework tonight” say’s math teacher. On that note, adults are freaking about our use of internet, well it’s your fault! And what else are we suppose to do, it is how society is changing. Also it scares you since we have learned about technology that you don’t know how to use. But if you are still inclined to have your parents or grandparents around ( talking to adults here) how often do you shake you head at them or thinking about there lack of knowledge in “that” area because it just wasn’t there time.. well... think about what you are saying.. The internet use, is our time, it teaches us to multi task, to be creative, to learn in different environments, to type. Yes we get involved in things you as an adult may not imagine, and it allows us to do things you have no idea how to access. but that’s the horror of it, it’s how we express ourselves.

Angels and Demons So far...

Well so far its an okay book, not something I would read on my own, I’m not really an action/ mystery book reader. I prefer more romance novels, although the romance between Robert and Victoria’s legs is pretty strong. At the moment the second cardinal is about to be found, I find that the book drags on so very much, and that is what makes it hard to read. I am used to reading long books although this it takes to long for things to happen, and when things do happen half the time it is unrealistic. The first 100 pages were suppose to be boring although I didn’t find it bad to get started, I just am having trouble getting up the desire to finish. Otherwise the characters are interesting, Dan Brown is a horrible writer, over all it’s readable and interesting, so far, I have learned many things. Thanks to Brown’s wife.

Open school help in Ingersoll?

Not going to happen! It will never work, look at Fusion it’s a druggy hang out. Yes its suppose to be nice and high tech for kids to learn and there’s people there that can help them with whatever school work they may need, but those computers, all for msn, gaming no homework, as well the kids that go there don’t have homework or don’t do it. The ones that could use that technology that don’t have access or parents around are afraid to go there. So they are neglected of that, so you may be thinking if there was a cool place that there was no gaming allowed and such, it would be used, but then those that want help would be scared to be called nerds and browners, and wouldn’t go. In New York and really big cities yes it would be amazing, because there are 10 different schools that are around, and you don’t know EVERYONE. With knowing everyone, it leaves room for ridicule and being a child or teenager that is what your life revolves around, how your peers think of you.

Lazy? No Scared!

Yes I agree that first year students going into university or even any students at all are becoming less and less prepared. But it is a psychological thing. As a student all we hear is that we must be the best or we will go no where in life. Hmmm how would that make you feel? We are scared of the future, we don’t know what to think, so we wont ask those questions to get farther we just go with the flow and ride that easy train, because if we can get it easy for as long as possible GREAT! And with that teachers give up because they don’t know what to do with us, since none of us try, so which leads them to have lower standards, which then having un prepared students going into universities. This has been happening over a long period of time although it has come to the point where it is a drastic change from before. What should we do about it, well what can you do? teach kids that you can’t use Wikipedia, go old school and go to the library! That is where you will get info. The ones that want to learn will, the ones that won’t well that’s there problem, you have to deal with them in a way that makes them realize that its hard but they will live and deal, and they won’t really realize it.


Is it true that you have to see it to believe it, or rather, do you have to believe it to see it?
It isn’t about believing or seeing. It is about understanding and knowing. To see it you must know, to believe you must understand. On the point of God and religion, before you can truly believe you have to know him and understand the way he works. You can be in the slums of Toronto and see him and the works he does, but to see it you have to understand the way he works and when you understand you can believe. We all have our own views and ideas of what we see, one may see the devil at work while the other sees God’s work; that is why seeing is not how we become to believe. Although, if we do not believe how can we began to see, with not know the awesomeness of God, how would you come to believe. In this it is not seeing or believing. It is knowing and understanding in faith!

I’d rather die alone!

well my thoughts are if you need a computer screen or cell phone or some electronic device to feel not alone, you have problems! When you are in that hospital bed dieing and you have no access to a computer or electronics, you will be alone!!! But if you make REAL people friends, not electronic friends. Then they will be there for at your bed side with you so that you are not alone. Another thing is why do we need another thing to waste our time, alone, in front of screens. As well guess what you can follow stars and those famous people and its soo cool and “OMG, Ashley Tisdale just bought new shoes!!!” WHO CARES!!!!! And if you do I feel very bad for you! How sad is your life to sit alone in front of a screen like all the other loners in the world watching what some rich girl is doing? Go out there make a difference, like you think she is, and be your own person! I think twittering is one of the most pointless things. If you are afraid of dieing alone, make some friends, invest your time in making an impact on there lives and others out there, if you do that you will be remembered and will not die alone!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Faith is my rock!

I deffinatly agree with the scietist in this article, he can know science and believe in evolution and tech it, although he still has faith of a higher and greater power. the knowledge of god in yuor life can make you understand evolution in a different sence and possibly allow you to know it and understand it better, i agree that there is evolution but that god did have a part of it, God is amazing and can do anything, and he allows us to choose and understand what we want. Science is what God created. and in that he created evolution. I feel that havign a knowlegde of God will help a scientist understand science better as well as science will help and expand there knowledge of God to a christian!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earth hour!!!!! TOMORROW!!!

so earth hour is tomorrow, and I feel it is a good idea, although no one takes it seriously, well many don't. so it's grate because we should conserve energy but it shouldn't be for 1 hour each year. it should be all the time, or maybe they should start doing it for an hour each month then soon hour each week, and so on and so fourth so that maybe people will go outside....which the ironic thing is that we dont want our children out side because of all the smog, well where does the smog come from? hmmm... all the energy we want, all the factories and plants that are creating that energy, so while we are scared top go out side due to the smog we sit inside and demand more energy which makes outside even worse. thats all i have to say!


you know i actually kinda agree with the pope! he said that condoms don't prevent aids and HIV, (which in theory is a lie, but..) I beleive he ment it in the fact that just stop doing it! ya condoms prevent it from spreading but your still spreading it and if you do conceive then well your kid now has it. as well why would you want to give the ones you love HIV? and why would you want the child that you do have, to have HIV? So first off you are sapose to procreate but if you have AIDS stop spreading it! deal with the fact that you wont have sex! and I know there isn't much else that they can do out there because there is so much poverty and maybe that is the only pleasure they ever get, but if you care about the people around you then stop doing it all together, stop the spreading of aids. Maybe i am too harsh on the subject, and some may say that i only say this because i dont have to live my that, but i know that personally i wouldn't want to get aids by someone even if i loved them and i would hope they would care enough about me to not want to possibly give it to me. As well I wouldn't want to make my child have to live with the fact that they have HIV, and eventually die of the horribleness of aids! so maybe we all need to think of the ones we love and what is best for them, instead of being selfish and only thinking of ourselves!

Monday, March 9, 2009

If you think about it.. It's backwards!

Think of it. the way we live our life, we start out so naive and innocent . well you could get away with murder actually, we are protected and loved unconditionally, no matter what your beautiful! (there is no such thing as an ugly baby) then you get to play spend all your parents money and still you have no responsibilities you can once again basically get away with murder. ya you get older then all the pressure is on you and then you go through school and you have all your finances and then midlife crises builds up on top of that after your still in debt from school, then you get old and wrinkly.... because you don't have any money for a face lift or botox. You have to think about your pension and saving the money you defiantly don't have because your putting the little you do have into your kids education so hopefully they wont have to be as in debt as you were although it won't make any the difference. then your too old to take care of yourself you smell like mouth balls and your put into an old age home where your not visited by anyone since your family and kids are to busy at work trying to pay of there debt. and your all alone and miserable. the one you fall in love with has died and there is no one else but a bunch of depressed older folks around you. (this is all said in non offensive way to peoples elderly loved ones. since I personally love my grandparents and great grandparents very much; I'm currently at my grandparents house visiting :-P ) with all this said, isn't it backwards? Why would we not live life from old to young? WE will still have the money that we possibly have saved throughout our lives, and we eventually get younger every single day! we get a great job and all the benefits right away...and the younger you get the better you feel the more you go out and party and have a good time, eventually you get to your twenties and you have free rain of what you want to do..and slowly you get to the point of loosing your knowledge but gain back that innocents of a child. and the pleasures of being naive, and believing in Santa and the Easter bunny, having the tooth fairy come and put a Tonnie under your pillow. and then swearing that you saw her and looked just like a princess (depending on your imagination). you eventually leave the world with the most love you can ever get that being from your mother who you are the most dependent on, and the one and only person that can love you the most.

Straight A's

A university professor has decided and believes that there should not be grades on the work we do. I agree with his theory to a point. I believe this since I feel that at times, a student or person may not be able to full-fill them selves to the potential they have, since there brain is focused on having to do exceptionally well to succeed in life. I feel that once you get the pressure on you from grades that it can pull ones self lower. If there is no pressure or doubt in ones abilities and you are not graded, then one will learn because they want to learn, which will cause them to understand better and succeed more. This is all good other than the fact that life is competition. With this, when you take away the competition of grades, it cushions a students life and does not prepare them for the real world. further more if they do get ride of the grade system, they should only do so in university's and possibly colleges. You will strive for that 90% average in high school to get into the universities of choice to continue on in your life dreams. with this once you are in university that is your money that you are spending if you choose not to do your work its your money going down the drain. but it will also relieve those trying to learn of the pressures of grades and allow one to learn by choice and be pure desire and want, it will no longer be a chore to learn it will give learning the proper description of thirst for knowledge.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oak Island...believable or not?

what to think? theres and island that people say is cursed? or there is buried tresure? or the holy grail is hidden on it, or basicailly your hearts desire could be buried or on the island. i beleive that it is cursed or there is a presence amung that island that can make some crazy and will huant you or hurt you if you get to close or steps further to finding or figureing out the secrets of oak island. but i think that the most reasonable explanation would be pirates, from years ago. there are many different layers of wooden planks and such through out the "money pit" hole. a pirate is lazy, and they dont like digging. although they need a safeplace to hide their loot. i beleive that the pirates created wooden planks over quick sand in thought that the wooden planks would stop their treasure from sinking, and when they came back each night to check it was still there before heading out to see once again, it had sunk so they would make another wooden pplank to hold it up, they tried this numerous times and finally cuncluded that it would not work, so they took their loott and burried it else where. while trying to do this possibly some pirates dead and now haunt the island in theory of protecting their loot, and therfore haunt any person who tries to find it, although there actually is nothing there.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Creativity and Schools

So theres this guy, and he's funny quiet funny! But he's very intelectual. His name is Ken Robinson's, he talks for about 18 minutes about schools and there creativity, it is something very interesting. He explains how schools are pointed towards those in mathematics and english and has no desire to help those that are gifted in the arts such as dance, vocals and the rest of the arts. He say that many students may be diagnosed with ADHD in the case of them being fidgety and hyper, were what they actually need and love is dancing. he talks about a famouse dancer who coreogrphed cats, and was almost diagnosed with ADHD. it is very interestin gon how the school system reads and sees and deals with children, by making them go in spacific types of classes instead of being able to progress in their own domain. So therefore i agree with Ken Robinson on how that schools don't allow for creativity!


Blogging? So what is that? I have heard of it before and some of the people around me have talked about but, me? Nope Never! Where would I get the time? What would I write? And how would I do it? Living out in the middle of no where, with no internet conection, well a conection that you can actually open up a page within 10 minutes, there is no possibility of it.